IP Address – Computer

Applies to: 

Setting the IP address for your Windows computer uses the same control panel regardless of which version of Windows you are using. A shortcut that will allow you to quickly access the Network Settings control panel is to hold the Windows key on your keyboard and hit R to access the RUN window, enter “NCPA.CPL”, and hit Enter. This will open the Network Connections control panel.

Ip address computer 1 NCPA.CPL on Run window

In the Network Connections control panel, right-click the interface you want to use and select Properties. This will open the Properties control panel for the selected network adaptor.

Properties control panel for the selected network adaptor

On the Properties control panel, scroll through the list to locate “Internet Protocol TCP/IP V4”, click to select it, then hit the Properties button below the list. The Internet Protocol Version 4 Properties window is used to set the computer to either obtain an IP address automatically, or use a fixed, static IP address.

Properties control panel for the selected network adaptor

If the radio button next to “Obtain an IP address automatically” is active, one of two things will happen.

  1. If there is a DHCP server on the network, the DHCP server will assign an IP address to the computer.
  2. If there is no DHCP server, after a moment, the computer will automatically assign its own “Auto IP” address, which will be in the subrange of 169.254.X.X.

If the radio button next to “Use the following IP address” is active, the computer will use the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway that have been specified in the fields below.

When working with DSP products, the correct IP address and subnet mask must be assigned either manually or automatically. In most cases, the default gateway and DNS servers are not required and can be left blank.

Selecting an appropriate IP address to use with your computer will depend upon the networking situation.

  • If you are going to connect to an existing system, perhaps on a corporate network, you will need an IP address that fits into that network scheme.
  • If you are going to connect to a brand new ControlSpace® device, each ControlSpace device has a specific IP address set from the factory, so you will need an IP address that fits into the same subnet and does not conflict with any of the existing IP addresses on the network.

The default IP addresses for ControlSpace devices are

  • – 4-channel PowerMatch amp
  • – 8-channel PowerMatch amp
  • – ESP & EX Digital Signal Processors
  • – CC-64 Control Center

If the only devices connected to the network are Bose Professional products, a safe IP address for you to use with your computer would be, with a subnet mask of