Many Dante® enabled microphones are available in the Device List and can be added directly to the project and controlled by ControlSpace® Designer. When adding these Dante-enabled microphones to ControlSpace Designer, there are two steps that need to be completed to obtain full programming functionality.
Add to Project
Each Dante-enabled microphone must first be added to the Project. This is done by dragging the device from the Dante Endpoints category of the Device List into the Project View. After the Dante-enabled microphone has been added to the project, the Dante-enabled microphone can be renamed and the device control panel is accessible, but there is no way to wire the audio signals from the microphone or assign functionality to any of the associated GPIO on the microphone.
Each Dante-enabled microphone should be renamed immediately after being added to the project. The name of each Dante-enabled microphone will be used to identify that microphone in the SP Tool Kit as well as being reflected in the naming of any objects associated with that microphone. Using a descriptive name for each microphone can help to reduce the confusion caused by having multiple microphones named, “MXA910 1”, “MXA910 2”, etc.

Add to Device
After a Dante-enabled microphone has been added to the project, that microphone will become available in the Dante Endpoints category of the SP Tool Kit. To use the full functionality of the microphone, it needs to be added to an EX-1280C by dragging the microphone from the SP Tool Kit into the EX-1280C Design View. When this is done, the Dante-enabled microphone audio signals and GPIO become an extension of the associated EX-1280C. Once a Dante-enabled microphone has been associated with an EX-1280C, that microphone will no longer be available in the SP Tool Kit. If a Dante-enabled microphone is deleted from an EX-1280C, that microphone will become available for assignment again in the SP Tool Kit.

Placing a Dante-enabled microphone in a EX-1280C will create multiple objects in the Desgin View. These objects will always include a Dante Input object carrying the audio signals from the Dante-enabled microphone and may also include GPIO blocks if the microphone supports that functionality. Audio signals from each Dante-enabled microphone to its host DSP are routed via Dante, with all Dante subscriptions being created automatically. Each Dante-enabled microphone must be added to one EX-1280C before the microphone can be used and can only be added to a single EX-1280C.

In the Project View, if a Dante-enabled microphone has been associated with an EX-1280C, that microphone will display the name of the host EX-1280C. If no name is displayed, that Dante-enabled microphone has not been added to an EX-1280C yet.