Enhance the Sound of Work

Today the workplace is every place: office, home, car, and coffee shop. So we have solutions that make any meeting better whether people are in the same room or in different hemispheres.

Why Bose Professional

Bring the simplicity and clarity of The Sound of Work by Bose Professional to all your meeting experiences.

Our products integrate seamlessly with existing platforms, bringing enhanced video and audio performance to popular third-party cloud services. Simplify huddle spaces with all-in-one USB solutions like the Bose Professional Videobar VB-S and Videobar VB1, premium conferencing devices perfect for huddle spaces and small meeting rooms. And design fully integrated, high-performance systems for the most demanding rooms using products like Bose Professional ControlSpace Designer software, EdgeMax loudspeakers, and ControlSpace EX processors.

Bose Professional audio solutions help teams collaborate more effectively, moving beyond “good enough” audio and video so interactions are more natural, and people can hear more, see more, understand more, and work better.

  • Deliver consistent, premium performance

    Across a range of solutions to make interactions more natural, make meetings more productive, and help everyone feel more connected and engaged

  • Offer a simplified conferencing experience

    Products that are easier to operate, require less troubleshooting, and reliably facilitate clear communication

  • Simplify huddle spaces with all-in-one solutions

    Products like the Videobar VB-S and Videobar VB1, premium conferencing devices perfect for huddle spaces and small meeting rooms

  • Design fully integrated meeting rooms

    Products like ControlSpace EX processors, ControlSpace EX Dante endpoints, EdgeMax loudspeakers, and ControlSpace Designer software

  • Clarity & intelligibility to large meeting rooms

    Best-in-class echo cancelling and innovative loudspeakers, so remote meeting participants can hear and understand better

  • Integrate with unified communications platforms

    Such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, and more to offer enhanced video and audio performance

  • Build trust with end-users

    Offering easy-to-operate conferencing solutions from a globally respected audio company that they already know and recognize as a premium brand

Introducing Bose Professional Insights

Explore our insights on how to evolve, work, and connect.

Featured Case Studies

Former Chamber Of Deputies, Palace Of The National Congress Of Chile

Select…   About Components Downloads   Contact a dealer Why Bose Professional ABOUT THE PROJECT The Palace of the Former National Congress, located in the heart of Santiago, Chile, is one of the most representative symbols of democratic life in the country. The French neoclassical building was inaugurated in 1976 and was the home of the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators of the South American country. In 1990, when the National Congress moved to its new location

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Avex Inc.

Avex Inc. has been a leading company in the Japanese music scene and entertainment market for over thirty years. Starting as a wholesale and distribution business of imported records in 1988, the company developed its music business focusing on artists and their music, including music package sales, distribution, merchandising and live production. Implementing new ideas and innovative measures to influence industries is at Avex’s core. Since its inception, it has developed into a 360-degree business approach that includes: artist, model

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With office locations in Santiago and Concepción, Chile, Genera has 35 years of experience developing advanced technologies for personnel management. This includes software solutions for human resources, recruitment and talent acquisition, performance and work-climate management, access control, and meeting-room management. It also offers hardware integration services for access control and time-clock solutions. With a team of specialists capable of developing tailored technical solutions supporting the varied aspects of employee enablement, Genera caters to the varied needs of its clients regardless

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Boardroom Table With Chairs

Grupo PSA

Headquartered in Jalisco, Mexico, Grupo PSA is dedicated to the cultivation, production and distribution of high quality products containing blue agave — a popular plant known for its role as the base ingredient of tequila. With blue agave at the center of its business, the operations are based on a vertical business model that begins with the cultivation process at the production plant in western Mexico. Nurturing agave for more than five generations, Grupo PSA now has operational offices and

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Hallway of the LC Packaging office with Panaray MSA12X steerable array loudspeakers installed next to a TV.

LC Packaging

Picture Amsterdam in the 1920s. A bustling metropolis, it was full of wide lanes, commerce and unique cultural touchstones — and it turns out, many bag traders. The predominant packaging material of the time was the jute bag. Merchants purchased used bags, cleaned them, repaired them and sent them back out into the world — and Wilhelmus Lammers — known as Wim — was ready to join the fray. He set up his own company and started trading in the

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Telegrafen Oslo Featured Image

Telegrafen Oslo

Oslo’s latest nightlife addition, Telegrafen, is an experience all its own. Located in the historic “telegraph building” in Kongens gate 21, it’s a trip back in time to the 60s, 70s and 80s — but not without cutting-edge experiences and technology. The 3,200-square-meter venue consists of six modern and flexible event rooms, five unique bars, and three game zones with over 40 games and activities — such as darts and the Dutch shuffleboard game Sjoelbak. Telegrafen Oslo is designed to

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Former Chamber Of Deputies, Palace Of The National Congress Of Chile

Select…   About Components Downloads   Contact a dealer Why Bose Professional ABOUT THE PROJECT The Palace of the Former National Congress, located in the heart of Santiago, Chile, is one of the most representative symbols of democratic life in the country. The French neoclassical building was inaugurated in 1976 and was the home of the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators of the South American country. In 1990, when the National Congress moved to its new location

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Avex Inc.

Avex Inc. has been a leading company in the Japanese music scene and entertainment market for over thirty years. Starting as a wholesale and distribution business of imported records in 1988, the company developed its music business focusing on artists and their music, including music package sales, distribution, merchandising and live production. Implementing new ideas and innovative measures to influence industries is at Avex’s core. Since its inception, it has developed into a 360-degree business approach that includes: artist, model

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With office locations in Santiago and Concepción, Chile, Genera has 35 years of experience developing advanced technologies for personnel management. This includes software solutions for human resources, recruitment and talent acquisition, performance and work-climate management, access control, and meeting-room management. It also offers hardware integration services for access control and time-clock solutions. With a team of specialists capable of developing tailored technical solutions supporting the varied aspects of employee enablement, Genera caters to the varied needs of its clients regardless

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Boardroom Table With Chairs

Grupo PSA

Headquartered in Jalisco, Mexico, Grupo PSA is dedicated to the cultivation, production and distribution of high quality products containing blue agave — a popular plant known for its role as the base ingredient of tequila. With blue agave at the center of its business, the operations are based on a vertical business model that begins with the cultivation process at the production plant in western Mexico. Nurturing agave for more than five generations, Grupo PSA now has operational offices and

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Hallway of the LC Packaging office with Panaray MSA12X steerable array loudspeakers installed next to a TV.

LC Packaging

Picture Amsterdam in the 1920s. A bustling metropolis, it was full of wide lanes, commerce and unique cultural touchstones — and it turns out, many bag traders. The predominant packaging material of the time was the jute bag. Merchants purchased used bags, cleaned them, repaired them and sent them back out into the world — and Wilhelmus Lammers — known as Wim — was ready to join the fray. He set up his own company and started trading in the

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Telegrafen Oslo Featured Image

Telegrafen Oslo

Oslo’s latest nightlife addition, Telegrafen, is an experience all its own. Located in the historic “telegraph building” in Kongens gate 21, it’s a trip back in time to the 60s, 70s and 80s — but not without cutting-edge experiences and technology. The 3,200-square-meter venue consists of six modern and flexible event rooms, five unique bars, and three game zones with over 40 games and activities — such as darts and the Dutch shuffleboard game Sjoelbak. Telegrafen Oslo is designed to

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All Installations

  • Bank of Changsha Co Ltd
  • Boralex
  • Group Up
  • Grupo PSA
  • Harbor Regional Center
  • Johannesburg Council Chamber
  • Landgestüt Redefin
  • LC Packaging
  • Telegrafen Oslo
  • Triovest
  • WoJo

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