It is possible to recall the Master Fader and Master Mute of a Group using a Parameter Set in the same manner as recalling any other parameter. Since the Master Fader and Master Mute are not represented by a processing object in the Device View, the process of adding a Master Fader and Master Mute to a Parameter Set is slightly different.
Select Project Directory from the Window menu to open the Project Directory window in ControlSpace® Designer. The Project Directory lists every device, object, Parameter Set, Group, and Timer in the current project. A Group may be added to a Parameter Set by dragging that Group from the Project Directory to the required Parameter Set.
A Group that has been added to a Parameter Set does not appear in the Parameter Set Node list and there is no way to add only the Master Fader or only the Master Mute from a Group to a Parameter Set. If a Parameter Set is needed that controls only the Master Fader or only the Master Mute for a set of Grouped Gains, that Group must be set to “Level” or “Mute” in the Group Type dialog when the Group is created, rather than “Level + Mute”. A processing object may be added to multiple Groups if needed, even if some of those Groups overlap in function.