Through Its Shared Vision with Bose Professional, Guests Experienced the Power and Excitement of Ascot
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — July 20, 2021 — As the Official Technology Supplier-Sound for Ascot Racecourse, Bose Professional technology was part of this year’s exciting Royal Ascot. The audio solution is truly bespoke, consisting of almost 1,000 surface-mount and in-ceiling loudspeakers throughout the racecourse, promenade and other public areas, including 250 private boxes — more than any other venue in Europe.
Founded on a bedrock of tradition more than 300 years in the making, racing first took place in 1711 at the behest of Queen Anne in the Berkshire countryside approximately six miles from Windsor Castle. With more than 600,000 visitors each year during the usual 26 days of racing, Ascot Racecourse reimagined what a world-class race day experience should be, leveraging the innovative audio technology and expertise found with Bose Professional.
“Bose Professional innovation has allowed us to take people on a journey,” stated Craig Staddon, head of sales at Ascot. “Since we began working with Bose Professional, our guests repeatedly tell us the audio has added another dimension to the races — it simply brings the racing experience alive more.”
Consisting of ArenaMatch AM10, AM20 and AM40 loudspeakers as the basis for the system, the audio solution integrates MA12EX modular columnar array loudspeakers, ArenaMatch Utility AMU108 and AMU208, and a variety of FreeSpace loudspeakers all throughout the entire venue. The solution is powered by a network of PowerMatch PM8500N power amplifiers containing specific Dante® cards.
“Ascot has very specific needs. The core of the Ascot experience culminates in 11–12 minutes, yet guests are here for upwards of six hours or more,” shared George Vaughan, head of technology at Ascot. “For us, audio is a key element that goes beyond simple commentary needs. It’s about everything from announcing race details, upcoming event information and the distribution of music that keeps our guests entertained throughout the entire experience. And with Bose Professional, their experience is ideal.”
For more information on the Ascot Racecourse project and the custom audio solution, please visit
Photo file 1: BoseProfessional_Ascot_Racecourse_Outside_Loudspeakers
Photo caption 1: Throughout Ascot Bose Professional loudspeakers are integrated to provide focused, clear audio to ensure a superior race day experience.
Photo file 2: BoseProfessional_Ascot_Racecourse_Parade_Ring.jpg
Photo caption 2: Opening day of Royal Ascot begins with the Parade Ring procession.
Photo file 3: BoseProfessional_Ascot_Racecourse.jpg
Photo caption 3: Bose Professional loudspeakers ensure audio is clear throughout the grandstand, while keeping the racecourse out of the audio zone.
About Bose Professional
Founded on the belief that innovation begins with exploration, Bose Professional is dedicated to delivering the simplest path to incredible sound. The company’s spirit of invention is focused on creating systems that are easy to design, install, and operate for performance, commercial, and conferencing applications. These systems can be heard all around the world; in workplaces, houses of worship, universities, restaurants, retail stores, hotels, performing arts centers, and more. For more than 50 years, the Bose Professional business has partnered with AV integrators, system designers, installers, and consultants to build unforgettable audio experiences.
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