Edwards Technologies Chooses Bose Professional Systems for Round One Bowling & Amusement Centers

Round One Bowling And Amusement Centers across the U.S. feature great sound and coverage from Bose Professional, via systems specified and installed by integrator Edwards Technologies.

More Than Two-dozen, High-tech Family Fun Centers in the U.S. Use Bose Professional RoomMatch Utility and Modular Loudspeakers, Ensuring Complete Coverage with Great Sound


At the more than two-dozen Round One Bowling And Amusement Centers across the U.S. (including Santa Ana, CA; Seattle, WA; Bloomingdale, IL; and Arlington, TX, to name a few), visitors will find bowling, billiards, arcade games, darts and more. And they all have great sound and coverage from Bose Professional, via systems specified and installed by integrator Edwards Technologies. 

Over the bowling lanes, BoseProfessional RoomMatch Utility speakers are paired with either BoseProfessional MB4 modular subwoofers or MB210 compact subwoofers to keep play lively. Above the pool tables and arcade games, BoseProfessional FreeSpace DS 100SE pendant-type loudspeakers cover these areas with high-energy sound. These loudspeakers are powered by BoseProfessional PowerMatch PM8500N power amplifiers, with their network capabilities used for an array of additional useful applications.

“We love the Bose Professional products for these installations,” says Guy O’Hazza, Senior Account Executive at Edwards Technologies. “In fact, we love them so much that they’re all we’ve been using for the Round One locations for the last three years, ever since they entered the U.S. market.” O’Hazza explains why: the Bose Professional DS100SE pendant-type loudspeakers provide exceptional coverage of the 25,000 to 30,000-square-foot game-play areas that are part of every Round One Bowling & Amusement Center, which cover an area as large as 80,000 square feet. “They put great sound right on the arcades and they keep it there,” he says. They’re also used over the bars, in the foyers, and in the areas just outside the entrances, to create a seamless audio experience as soon as patrons enter.

Combined with the video and light systems created by Edwards Technologies for the “Cosmic Bowling” nighttime bowl concept, Bose Professional creates an immersive environment that bowlers really respond to. “In the larger installations, we’re finding that the MB210 subwoofers can provide between 10-dB and 15-dB more volume,” he notes. “And the RoomMatch Utility speakers provide a ton of sound without impeding the sightlines to the video screens.”

And O’Hazza saves his most effusive praise for the PowerMatch PM8500N amplifiers. “They are incredibly flexible — we can run them at 70 volts or at either four or eight ohms, and we can combine channels, so we can have maximum output,” he explains. “But what’s really fantastic is their networked capability means that we can monitor them online and they are accessible by our 24/7 support desk. If there’s ever a problem with one or volume needs adjustment, we can just log on remotely and make the change immediately. That’s a tremendous benefit for the client and for us. Our goal was to help Round One deliver a fun and dynamic environment for all guests who visit the bowling lanes at these locations, and Bose Professional helps make that happen. Combined with their great sound, it’s clear why Bose Professional is everyone’s choice here.”

For more information, visit BoseProfessional.com.


Photo file 1: RoundOne_Photo1.JPG

Photo caption 1: Round One Bowling And Amusement Centers across the U.S. feature great sound and coverage from Bose Professional, via systems specified and installed by integrator Edwards Technologies.

Photo file 2: RoundOne_Photo2.JPG

Photo caption 2: Round One Bowling And Amusement Centers across the U.S. feature great sound and coverage from Bose Professional, via systems specified and installed by integrator Edwards Technologies.


About Bose Professional

Founded on the belief that innovation begins with exploration, Bose Professional is dedicated to delivering the simplest path to incredible sound. The company’s spirit of invention is focused on creating systems that are easy to design, install, and operate for performance, commercial, and conferencing applications. These systems can be heard all around the world; in workplaces, houses of worship, universities, restaurants, retail stores, hotels, performing arts centers, and more. For more than 50 years, the Bose Professional business has partnered with AV integrators, system designers, installers, and consultants to build unforgettable audio experiences.


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