Room Combine Group Labels
When a CRR is added to an RCGroup, a label appears in the top-right corner of the CRR indicating which RCGroup it belongs to and which room number that CRR is within the RCGroup. The label, “1.2” indicates RCGroup 1, Room 2.

Adding a CRR to a RCGroup also creates additional inputs and outputs on that CRR to facilitate room combining. Each of these inputs and outputs has a specific routing requirement and is labeled with the RCGroup number and room number of the originating Conference Room Router.

Automatic Microphone Mixer I/O
When room combining with Automatic Microphone Mixers, the AMMs are placed in CCR mode. The CRR’s AMM Chain and AMM Sum connections are wired to the Chain and Sum ports on the AMM for the room.
When the CRR is uncombined, the CRR is simply routing the AMM’s Chain signal back to the AMM’s Sum input. This causes the AMM to function normally. When rooms are combined, the Chain signals for the combined rooms are mixed together by the Conference Room Router and sent to the Sum input on the AMM for each room. This causes the AMMs to function as though they were a single, large AMM.
Room Combine (RC) Outputs
The additional RCGroup inputs and outputs are all signals used to combine the rooms. Each CRR will have at least three RCGroup outputs that must be routed to all other CRRs in the same RCGroup.
- The RC Mics Out carries the Post-AEC mic mix from this CRR.
- The RC NonMics Out carries a mix of all Program and Far End inputs in this CRR. The relative volumes in this mix are controlled by the faders on the left side of the CRR control panel.
- The RC Chain out carries the AMM Chain signal from this room.

Room Combine (RC) Inputs
The RC inputs on each CRR receive the RC signals from every other CRR in the same RCGroup.
Each RC input is labeled with both the type of signal (mics, non-mics, or chain) and the room number of the CRR that should be connected to that port.
RC Signal Usage
Inside the CRR, the RC input signals are automatically routed to the correct system outputs.
- The RC Mics signal for each combined room is routed to Far End outputs, Aux outputs, and any speaker outputs that have local mics routed to them.
- The RC NonMics signals for each combined room are routed to Far End outputs, Aux outputs, and any speaker outputs that have local Non-Mic signals routed to them.
- The RC Chain signal is mixed with the local AMM Chain signal and the mix is routed to the AMM Sum output on the CRR.
Stereo Non-Mics
If a CRR has a stereo Program input, or a stereo Far End input, the RCGroup NonMics output will also be stereo. Any CRRs in the same RCGroup will automatically have stereo RCGroup inputs available for those stereo signals.
PreAEC Mics
If a Conference Room Router has PreAEC Direct Mic inputs for use with local voice-lift, the RCGroup outputs will also include an RC PreAEC Mics output. Any CRRs in the same RCGroup will automatically have an RC PreAEC Mics input available for those signals. If an RC PreAEC Mics signal is available, this signal will be made available for routing to speaker outputs, rather than the PostAEC Mics signals.
RC Signal Routing
Each CRR will have one set of RC Group outputs. The input configuration of the CRR determines these outputs. The number of RC Group inputs, and the specific inputs available in each group, is determined by the other CRRs in the same RC Group. Each CRR receives the RC output signals from every other CRR and will automatically have all of the required RC Group inputs for these signals.