The Parameter Sets window may be opened by clicking on the Parameter Sets icon on the toolbar or by selecting Parameter Sets from the Window menu
Drag and Drop
Individual processing objects, or groups of processing objects, may be added to a Parameter Set by selecting the objects, dragging the processing objects from the Device View to the Parameter Set window, and dropping the object onto the Parameter Set. A Parameter Set can contain multiple objects from the same device or a combination of objects from multiple devices.
As objects are added to the Parameter Set, the objects appear in the expandable list in the Parameter Set window. Expanding an individual object will show all of the parameters that have been stored for that object and what value was stored for each parameter. The value stored in the Parameter Set is the current value of that object when it was added to the Parameter Set.

Context Menu
Processing objects can also be added to a Parameter Set either individually or in groups by selecting the objects, right-clicking on the object, selecting Add To Parameter Set from the context menu, and then selecting the target Parameter Set.
Each of these methods is functionally identical. Either
method can be used to add objects to Parameter Sets.