The control panel for the Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) object allows the user to control and monitor the AEC object.
Input Meter – The AEC input meter displays the level of the incoming signal from the microphone.
Echo Return Loss (ERL) – The Echo Return Loss meter shows an estimate of the amount the loudspeaker audio has been attenuated by the room before reaching the microphone. Positive values on this meter indicate that the loudspeaker is too loud, the microphone gain is too high, or the microphone has been placed too close to the loudspeaker.
Echo Return Loss Enhancement (ERLE) – The Echo Return Loss Enhancement meter shows the amount of attenuation the AEC algorithm is applying to the loudspeaker audio in the microphone signal. This is an indication of how well the AEC algorithm is performing.
Non-Linear Processing (NLP) – The Non-Linear Processing control provides options of Light, Medium, or Strong.
Noise Reduction (NR) – Noise Reduction provides up to 32 dB of cancellation for steady-state noise such as fans and air handler noise from the microphone signal. The Noise Reduction setting for each microphone will need to be set individually since each microphone is in a different location and orientation relative to the steady-state noise sources.

AEC – The AEC for each channel may be disabled using the AEC button.
Mute – The Mute button for each channel will mute the audio output from that channel.
Reference Meter – The AEC Reference meter displays the level of the AEC reference signal.
Comfort Noise – Comfort Noise provides filtered, low-level noise, which can be added to the microphone signal to prevent the far end from hearing complete silence when the near end talkers are not speaking. Without Comfort Noise, far end participants are often unsure whether the near end is still connected to the teleconference.