ControlSpace Designer

ControlSpace Designer

ControlSpace Designer | ControlSpace

ControlSpace Designer software gives you the tools necessary to configure the audio signal processing and network operation of Bose Professional ControlSpace ESP and EX processors and end points, PowerMatch and PowerShare amplifiers, and ControlCenter controllers. With a complete library of signal processing functions, ControlSpace designer supports the open DSP architecture of both ESP and EX processors, giving you the power to create fully customized signal-processing designs. And network configuration tools help you quickly set up all ControlSpace network devices for operation on the larger ControlSpace control network.

Create a library of control functions using Parameter Set and Group control functions. A single Parameter Set can change the state of a single processing function — or a collection of various processing parameters when invoked — while Groups give you the ability to control multiple gains simultaneously or multiple instances of the same signal processing function type. Plus, you can easily map both Parameter Set and Group programming functions to the physical controls of a Bose Professional ControlCenter controller, or invoke them remotely using a standard serial protocol, time/schedule-based invocation, or general-purpose inputs(timer and GPI-based invocation of parameter sets are only available with Bose Professional ESP processors).

Once the signal processing and control system design are complete, Smart Simulation gives you the ability to test and modify all control programming while offline. Smart Simulation uses virtual representation of Bose Professional ControlCenter controllers to configure and test system control programming — eliminating the need to connect to the actual system for control testing purposes.

When actively connected to the system, ControlSpace Designer software is used to configure the operation of all signal processing functions, as a system interface for system commissioning, or as a system monitor during operation. When configured for monitor mode, all device parameters are protected, and the system operator only has access to virtual control centers and amplifier monitor functions.

A number of integrated tools simplify and streamline the design and configuration of Bose Professional devices that employ Dante® audio networking.

To learn more about the application, design, and configuration of systems using ControlSpace Designer software visit the Bose Professional Learning Center.

(1) Timer and GPI-based invocation of parameter sets is only available with engineered sound processors.




Designed for a wide range of applications, including:


If you are using CSD 5.14.1, and experience issues installing Dante firmware on EX-Processors, EX-8ML or PowerMatch Dante cards with the BK3 Dante board, we advise using Audinate’s Firmware Update Manager v3.10.9.6

If you are using CSD 5.12 to CSD 5.13.1 with PowerShareX Amplifiers and an EX or ESP processor, using low-impedance loudspeakers, please download 5.13.2 or later as this is a required update.


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