ControlSpace®デバイスに接続するには、2つの関連する、しかし異なる機能を使用します:スキャンとGo Onlineです。

スキャン- スキャンアイコンをクリックするか、ツールメニューからスキャンを選択すると、ソフトウェアはネットワークをスキャンし、コンピュータと同じサブネット上にある PowerMatch® デバイスを検索します。 ControlSpace またはコンピュータと同じサブネット上にある PowerMatch® デバイスを検索します。
ControlSpace Designer will create a new file and then each of those physical devices will have a virtual device placed into the new file with all hardware options, such as Expansion Cards and Audio Cards, correctly configured. The Scan function does not bring any programming of those devices into ControlSpace Designer. The resulting file will be a blank slate with the correct hardware options but without any of the software programming. For new devices that have not been previously programmed, or for devices that are going to be completely reprogrammed, this is a quick and straightforward way to ensure that all the virtual devices in the file will correctly match all the physical devices on the network.

Go Online – For existing devices with programming that must be retained, the Go Online command is more appropriate than using the Scan command. Using the Go Online command and then choosing the “Get from Devices” option will download the existing design from the devices to your computer and then connect to the devices.When connected to the devices, the background of ControlSpace Designer will change from white to blue and the Go Online icon will change from red to green.

These changes are a visual indication that ControlSpace Designer is connected and making real-time adjustments to the physical devices
While connected, changes may be made to the settings of the processing objects, but it’s not possible to add or delete objects, or change the wiring of objects. To make changes to the processing layout, click the Go Online button a second time to disconnect from the devices. The background of ControlSpace Designer will change back to white, the Go Online button will change to red, and normal editing functionality will become available.
プログラミングファイルをConnected Devicesにアップロードするには、Settings TransferダイアログでSend to Devicesオプションを選択します。これにより、デバイス内の既存のプログラミングファイルが上書きされます。