纳什维尔梦幻酒店选择Bose Professional Sound Systems & Technomedia 打造星级音效形象

EVAmore 艺术家 Stephen Day 在梦幻酒店的 Dirty Little Secret 夜总会通过Bose Professional 音响系统进行表演。照片:杰西卡-阿莫森

总部位于纳什维尔的预订公司 EVAmore 选择在梦幻酒店举行其新一代在线预订平台的启动仪式


Nashville’s experiential upscale Dream Hotel – the flagship of the chain – worked with Technomedia, a division of Mood Media, the world’s leading in-store media solutions company dedicated to elevating the Customer Experience, and Bose Professional to develop a stunning sonic identity for the destination facility. The hotel evidences its reliance on Bose Professional products by their pervasive presence throughout the facility, including 11 dining and entertainment venues as well as common spaces. A wide variety of Bose Professional products have been employed, including RoomMatch, ShowMatch, FreeSpace DS-series and speakers, as well as ControlSpace processors and PowerMatch amplifiers. Technomedia, an award-winning advanced A/V systems integrator that creates the most original, immersive and memorable media experiences in the world, was responsible for initially bringing in Bose Professional on the project and handled all necessary installations across Dream Hotel’s venues.

纳什维尔梦幻酒店(Dream Hotel Nashville)并不是一个简单的连锁酒店,它坐落在一座历史悠久的建筑中,背靠着这座城市富有传奇色彩的 Printer's Alley 夜生活和娱乐区。酒店的顶级场所 "肮脏的小秘密 "夜总会是一个引人入胜的音乐和娱乐剧场,已成为举办私人活动以及定期现场表演的目的地,这里有令人惊喜的表演以及新晋音乐家和 DJ 表演者的轮番登场。该场所从 Printer's Alley 进入,为宾客和狂欢者带来震撼的视觉体验;Bose Professional ,提供同样引人注目的音频效果。

最近,创新娱乐预订公司 EVAmore 在 Dirty Little Secret 举办的一场盛大活动中推出了其在线预订平台的最新版本,之所以选择Bose Professional ,很大程度上是因为 已成为 EVAmore 推荐的音响选择。"EVAmore 联合创始人钱宁-莫兰(Channing Moreland)说:"我们将Bose Professional Sound 推广为企业和私人活动行业的首选,因为任何人都不希望在活动期间再三考虑或担心制作方面的问题。EVAmore 及其艺术家使用Bose Professional 产品已经有一段时间了,他们对使用效果非常满意。"我们的艺术家首先试用了 F1 和 Sub 扬声器音响系统以及 L1 系统,"Moreland 回忆说。"这两套系统都非常适合我们随时随地演出的艺人,而且非常易于使用。因此,在为我们的发布活动选择场地时,由于梦幻酒店的 Dirty Little Secret 夜总会的装饰和Bose Professional PA 系统,我们很容易就做出了决定。现在,只要有机会,我们就会在企业和私人活动中使用Bose Professional 设备设置。我们相信这是一种互惠互利的良好合作关系,因为音乐和扩音是相辅相成的。

EVAmore (www.evamore.co) 是美国成功故事的典型代表。该公司由当时的两名大学生(莫兰德和梅肯齐-斯托克尔)创立,他们都热爱现场音乐,并亲身经历了艺人预订过程中繁琐细节带来的挫折。他们决定要找到更好的方法,于是成立了一家公司,并开始开发成熟、用户友好的在线体验,让活动主办方可以轻松找到并预订音乐人才。"EVAmore 是一个在线平台,通过将艺人与优质活动联系起来,实现娱乐节目预订的自动化。"该平台为所有相关方提供即时发现经过审核的娱乐节目、访问预审合格的活动以及快速安全的付款/合同等服务。


More about the Dream Hotel and Dirty Little Secret Nightclub:
Nashville’s upscale Dream Hotel is situated in the heart of Music City on 4th Avenue North, a short walk from the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Ryman Auditorium, the Frist Art Museum, Bridgestone Arena, Nissan Stadium, and the Broadway strip. The hotel evidences its reliance on Bose Professional products by their pervasive presence throughout the facility, including 11 dining and entertainment venues as well as common spaces. Bose Professional ControlSpace ESP-880N and ESP-160 processors and a ControlSpace CC-64 Control Center are deployed to select, process and route signals over a Dante network feeding eight PowerMatch PM8500N amplifiers and four PowerMatch PM8250N amplifiers driving FreeSpace DS-series flush mount and surface mount speakers, RoomMatch array and utility speakers, ShowMatch subwoofers, floor arrays and MB210 compact subwoofers – 92 Bose Professional loudspeakers in all. Localized control is facilitated by eight strategically placed Bose Professional Dante 2X2 Wall Plate controllers.

The PA in Dirty Little Secret is centered on RoomMatch RM12060 (120-degree horizontal x 60-degree vertical) DeltaQ full-range array modules. The RoomMatch RM12060 is mated with two ShowMatch SMS118 subwoofers. Four Bose Professional 620M multi-position floor array monitor loudspeakers adorn the stage. Additionally, side space coverage and fills are handled by eight RoomMatch Utility loudspeakers (one RMU108 and seven RMU208 cabinets), while a pair of FreeSpace DS100 surface mount loudspeakers is mounted outside the entry doors. DSP processing for the system is provided by a Bose Professional ControlSpace ESP-880 processor. Six PowerMatch PM8500N configurable amplifiers – each featuring eight inputs and 4000 W of available output configurable to drive two to eight loads – drive the room’s loudspeakers.



照片文件 1:Stephen_Day.jpg

图片说明 1:EVAmore 艺术家 Stephen Day 在梦幻酒店的 Dirty Little Secret 夜总会通过Bose Professional 音响系统进行表演。
摄影:Jessica Amerson

照片文件 2:Sweet_Fever.JPG

图片说明 2:EVAmore 艺术家 Sweet Fever 在梦幻酒店的 Dirty Little Secret 夜总会通过Bose Professional 音响系统进行表演。
摄影:Jessica Amerson

照片文件 3:EVAmore.JPG

图片说明 3:EVAmore 联合创始人 Makenzie Stokel 和 Channing Moreland 庆祝更新后的艺人预订平台上线。EVAmore 向客户推荐Bose Professional 设备。
摄影:Jessica Amerson


关于 Bose Professional

Bose Professional 秉承 "创新始于探索 "的信念,致力于以最简单的方式提供令人难以置信的音效。公司的发明精神专注于为演出、商业和会议应用创建易于设计、安装和操作的系统。世界各地的工作场所、礼拜堂、大学、餐厅、零售店、酒店、演艺中心等都能听到这些系统的声音。50 多年来,Bose Professional 与视听集成商、系统设计师、安装人员和顾问合作,共同打造了令人难忘的音频体验。

关于 Technomedia:

Mood Media 旗下的 Technomedia 是一家屡获殊荣的先进影音系统集成商,致力于打造全球最新颖、最身临其境、最令人难忘的媒体体验。从设计、工程、集成、安装到支持,Technomedia 利用音频、视频、照明和控制设计,在全球开发大型视听体验,包括 LED 墙、投影映射、数字媒体、增强现实、互动展品和其他定制功能。项目范围包括主题娱乐和定位娱乐中的 "震撼 "装置,以及度假村、酒店、汽车中心、身临其境的零售商和企业环境。欲了解更多详情,请访问:www.gotechnomedia.com。


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