案例研究 - 餐饮业 | 阿诺德餐厅



阿诺德餐厅是斯德哥尔摩最新、最令人兴奋的餐厅之一,位于斯德哥尔摩市中心的主要广场之一 Stureplan。作为Bose Professional 的长期客户,这座建筑多年来一直是 Stureplansgruppen 旗下多家餐厅、酒吧和夜总会的所在地。在阿诺德餐厅之前,底层多年来一直是著名的夜总会 Laroy 的所在地。2019 年初,阿诺德餐厅及其独立的酒吧区开业。不久之后,一家灵感来自里约热内卢的经典鸡尾酒吧 Coquetel Social 也在阿诺德餐厅同一层开业。2019 年深秋,又有两家酒吧概念店在大楼地下室开业,完成了整个大楼的翻新,并利用 Stureplansgruppen 的所有设施创造了多个独特的空间,以适应任何心情。阿诺德餐厅的音响设计提供了独特的声音体验,无论是在餐厅的主要部分,还是在夏季受欢迎的室外座位区。



When Arnold’s was ready for an audio solution that fit its needs, Stureplansgruppen had just finished an installation in a hotel in Stockholm in partnership with Bose Professional that utilized the MSA12X modular steerable array loudspeakers. Based on their experience, Stureplansgruppen specifically requested the MSA12X loudspeakers for both the restaurant and the separate bar area, in addition to two MB210 compact subwoofers per room. The Bose Professional audio solution was aesthetically pleasing, provided clear background music and was complementary to the restaurant’s interior design. The entire building’s audio—whether in Arnold’s or throughout the unique bar venues—are powered by five PowerMatch PM8500 power amplifiers and controlled via one ControlSpace ESP-1240AD engineered sound processor. This centralized architecture provided additional flexibility and allowed for local DJ inputs and easy system management for staff members without taking away from their customer-focused duties.

"Bose Professional 是我们在音响方面的不二之选,我们在斯德哥尔摩的大多数不同机构都安装了Bose Professional 。阿诺德大楼的音响设置非常人性化,员工可以轻松管理。产品本身也很美观,不会影响我们不同的设计理念,这对我们来说始终是一个重要因素"。

-Jesper Svensson
Stureplansgruppen 项目负责人

